Faster, safer and cleaner mooring

MoorMaster™ automated mooring eliminates the need for mooring lines with automated vacuum pads that moor and release vessels in seconds at the push of a button.

MoorMaster™ dramatically improves safety and operational efficiency, optimises the ship-to-shore interface, and in many cases enables ports to make infrastructure savings.

New MoorMaster NxG represents the peak of vacuum mooring

Every minute matters with the next generation MoorMaster technology. As the inventors of vacuum mooring, we’ve used every minute of data from 20 years’ service to redesign it from the ground up.

MoorMaster NxG now offers even quicker access to game-changing mooring technology. And thanks to Cavotec’s large and growing investment in software, every system will become even more intelligent every year. 

Discover what MoorMaster NxG could do for your operations on its dedicated site.


Moorings to date

Features and benefits

Works with virtually all vessels

  • Modular design and vacuum pads that attach to any flat surface
  • Can be used with a wide variety of vessels and applications, irrespective of vessel size and design
  • MoorMaster™ systems are used to moor ferries as well as 400m container ships and bulk carriers of more than 300m

Mooring in less than 30 seconds

  • Faster turn-around times and more ship calls result in improved productivity
  • Reduced energy consumption and emissions from tugs and vessel thrusters
  • Reduced cruising speeds result in reduced energy consumption
  • More than 90% reduction in emissions during ship berthing due to reduced use of tugs and ship engines
  • Fast and simple connection to shore power
  • Reduced erosion of seabed driving cost savings

Mehr Produktivität

  • Schiffe sind in weniger als 30 Sekunden festgemacht.
  • Weniger Schiffsbewegung durch Tidenhub, Seegang und vorbeifahrende Schiffe.
  • Geringere Betriebskosten (es ist kein Personal für den Anlegevorgang erforderlich).
  • Geringere Betriebszeiten für Schleppboote und Schiffslotsen.

Mehr Flexibilität und Sicherheit

  • Nutzung des Liegeplatzes durch beliebige Schiffe, auch wenn sie länger sind als der Liegeplatz.
  • Festmachen von jeder Position aus; dadurch kann auf Personal am Liegeplatz verzichtet werden.
  • Geringeres Unfallrisiko beim Festmachen, da das Personal nicht in den Gefahrenbereichen arbeiten muss.
  • Echtzeit-Überwachung von Anlegevorgang und  Kräften.

Weniger Investitionen in die Infrastruktur

  • Bessere Auslastung des Piers durch kürzere Abstände zwischen den Schiffen.
  • „Virtuelle“ Verlängerung des Kais möglich, da der Bug des Schiffes über das Kaiende hinausragen kann.
  • MoorMasterTM kann die Verlängerung von Wellenbrechern überflüssig machen.

Geringere Umweltbelastung

  • Senkung der Emissionen während der Verweildauer des Schiffes am Liegeplatz um mehr als 90 %, weil weniger Schleppboote und Schiffsmotoren genutzt werden müssen.
  • Schneller und einfacher Anschluss an die Landstromversorgung.

Reduced vessel motion due to advanced control system

  • Increased productivity for ship loading/unloading operations
  • Improved pier utilisation due to closer vessel spacing
  • Real-time monitoring of mooring processes and forces
  • Superior vessel control due to patent protected Active Control technology
  • MoorMaster™ can potentially reduce breakwater extension requirements

An unrivalled track record

Twenty years after the first MoorMaster™ system entered service, this unique technology remains the only widely used automated mooring technology on the market. With its key patents and optimised hydraulics, the system offers superior performance to that claimed by any other system on the market, while maintaining low energy consumption.


Thanks to our large installed base and long experience, we are able to offer all services needed to maximise the availability of MoorMaster™ systems. All local services teams are supported by our global senior technical experts and we are able to remotely monitor the equipment to constantly make sure it meets the operational requirements.

Click here to learn more about our service offerings



"It’s been a long journey with the MoorMaster systems and Cavotec, 17 years. I can say they have been extremely consistent over the time and Cavotec’s support for the systems has been exemplary" 
General Manager Marine, SeaRoad 

Port of Salalah

"The Cavotec mooring system is fantastic, I wish we had it on every dock that we go to."

Ship captain visiting Port of Salalah 

Pilbara Ports Authority

"The Cavotec mooring system is a very innovative technology… instead of tying up a ship that takes 30-40 minutes, you can actually tie a ship up and make it secure in about 60 seconds"
General Manager Operations, Pilbara Ports Authority

Port of Helsinki

"Those extra minutes that you save in mooring and unmooring operations leads the vessel to be able to go a little bit slower overseas which reduces in turn the fuel burn and therefore lowers emissions. Actually by quite a lot."
Head of Sustainability, Port of Helsinki

ASKO Maritime

"We needed to have an autonomous system and have looked into various alternatives in the market… with Cavotec’s solution we hope to achieve a full score on both safety and speed. Cavotec has a proven solution and good references in the Norwegian market."
Chief Executive Officer, ASKO Maritime


"Hands-free mooring provides time, safety and monetary benefits to carriers by reducing the overall cost of vessel transit"
Winner reveal at Heavy Lift Awards 2020


  • Vacuum pads attach safely to the hull of the ships
  • By adding additional mooring units, the system is scalable and able to accomodate a large range of applications
  • Can be mounted:
    • on top of the berth
    • on the face of the berth
    • on a floating pontoon
    • on mooring dolphins
  • Sits safely behind the compressed fender line when not in use
  • Attaches to the vessel in 30 seconds through hydraulic actuation
  • Moors the vessel safely with vacuum pads
  • Is operated remotely at the press of a button
  • Controls vessels position in surge and sway; vessel floats freely in heave
  • Handles draft and tidal changes through its range of motion or "stepping" up and down the vessel


Book a one-on-one call with one of our experts to discuss your specific requirements to make your operations safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.

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  • Bulk
  • Container
  • Electric vessels
  • RoPax and RoRo
  • Locks
  • Ship-to-ship
  • APS


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