The safety and efficiency benefits that MoorMaster™ automated mooring brings to mooring vessels to the quay, are also possible in ship-to-ship applications. MoorMaster™ simplifies ship-to-ship mooring, making the process faster, safer, and more efficient.

Mooring vessels together introduces additional challenges not encountered when mooring a vessel to a berth, often due to the lack of shelter from the elements. With MoorMaster automated mooring, mooring times are reduced to less than one minute. Mooring is completely safe and remains safe for personnel and vessels for the duration of the mooring.


  • Fast mooring in less than a minute
  • Reduced relative vessel motion increases productivity of transfer operations
  • Safe operations with no hazardous rope-handling activities


ECONNECT Energy (Connect LNG)

"In operations, the system is unmanned utilising state of the art automation and monitoring technology, which means safe and efficient hook-up and LNG transfer. The system is highly flexible, and can be connected to a wide range of vessels without any modifications, and is designed to satisfy all applicable rules and regulations"
Connect LNG – Jettyless LNG Transfer



US Navy, USA

Since 2016
Military vessels
Owner: US Navy
Operator: US Navy


  • Ship-to-ship mooring for replenishment operations in high sea states
  • Vessel and personnel safety a concern during replenishment operations
  • Considerable time inefficiencies caused by mooring operations


  • Multi-unit prototype system developed

Key benefits

  • Fast and efficient ship-to-ship mooring
  • No need for traditional fenders during mooring operations
  • Remotely operated improving vessel and personnel safety
  • Relative vessel motion reduced increasing cargo transfer efficiency

ECONNECT Energy (Connect LNG), Norway

LNG transfer
Since 2017
Vessels with various LOA
Owner: Gas Natural
Operator: Gas Natural


  • Customer intent on developing a floating jetty-less platform for LNG transfer
  • Due to size difference between the platform and ship, rope mooring would not be capable of keeping a stable distance between the vessels
  • Deploying ropes would have been time consuming and exposed staff to significant health and safety risk


  • ATEX and CLASS certified MoorMaster™️ multi-unit system installed on the movable platform

Key benefits

  • Trials have shown that the system works considerably more efficiently than conventional mooring methods
  • Personnel safety improved
  • Mooring time dramatically reduced
  • Status of mooring known at all times during LNG-transfer



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